Residential Service

Residential Service

Beat the Heat Pool Service is a licensed and insured company that specializes in the needs of the residential service customer. We pride ourselves in quality on time work at a reasonable price. Beat the Heat Pool Service does everything we can to ensure the customer is satisfied with our work.

We also focus strongly on our weekly pool and spa service. We provide comprehensive residential service to include all chemicals needed, brushing and netting, vacuuming as needed, and pump and skimmer baskets emptied of debris. Our technicians also inspect the system for proper operation and leaks. If needed we also have pool equipment familiarization free of charge for our service customers.

We can install new equipment or repair  existing equipment. We can repair plumbing leaks and remedy problems in the pool equipment system or auto fill equipment. Our technicians can fix or replace pool cleaners. If you have a problem with your plumbing or equipment we can diagnose the issue and fix it. We can also clear clogged pipes in your system.

If your pool is green and you can’t figure out why, we can come by and take a look. We can usually have the green to clean taken care of by the next day. There is often no drain required. Call us and we can come by usually the same day to start working on the issue.

We also provide chlorine baths and acid washes. We can drain the pool for you and do a chlorine or acid wash the same day and start the fill up later that day. Our technicians can come back a day or two later after the pool is filled and get your start up chemicals in there and get your system back up and running.

One time clean ups are more popular than most would know. Often a customer gets back from a vacation or doesn’t realize the pump had turned off. Realtors require one time clean ups for home sales as well. If you maintain your pool and find yourself with a disaster, we can help.

Filter cleans are also a big part of keeping a pool system in good operating condition. Most residential service customers prefer not to hassle with the process of properly cleaning the pool filter. We at Beat the Heat can take care of that for you. We can even schedule it on a quarterly basis so you don’t have to keep up with it.

We can add a handrail to your pool or spa entry to help ease entering and exiting your pool or spa. The final product will look like it was put there from day one.

We also have specialized equipment for removing the calcium build up on pool tile. The white and unsightly scale is difficult to remove. Therefore we have special equipment to make short work of even the toughest jobs. Call and schedule your quote today.


Residential Service

Contact Us

Fill out all fields completely and we’ll have one of our experienced representatives contact you. Since all pools varies in size and needs, we may need more information to evaluate your pool and provide you recommendations on services or repairs.


Monthly ServicesGreen Pool CleanupDrain & Acid WashTile CleaningEquipment ReplacementRepairs

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